Automatically Install Configurations and Forced Preferences
On This Page
Creating a folder hierarchy
Sample forced-preferences.plist file
Creating a signed and notarized disk image
Tunnelblick can install Tunnelblick VPN configurations and forced preferences (preferences that cannot be modified by a standard user) at the same time that Tunnelblick itself is installed, using the same computer administrator authorization.
This will happen when
- Tunnelblick is installed interactively (not via the command line); and
- The configurations and/or preferences are located in a folder named "auto-install" or ".auto-install" in the same location as the Tunnelblick application that is being installed; and
- The and "auto-install" or ".auto-install" folder are in a signed, notarized disk image.
To create such a signed, notarized disk image:
- Create a folder with a signed copy of Tunnelblick;
- Add a subfolder named "auto-install" or ".auto-install" that contains zero or more Tunnelblick VPN configurations*;
- If desired, add a file named "forced-preferences.plist" containing the preferences to the subfolder**;
- Create a disk image file (.dmg) from the folder;
- Sign the disk image file;
- Notarize the disk image file; and
- Distribute the signed disk image file.
* Configurations can be contained within a folder hierarchy; see Creating a folder hierarchy, below.
** The "forced-preferences.plist" file must be a macOS property list file. See Sample forced-preferences.plist file, below.
Creating a folder hierarchy
To have configurations appear within a folder hierarchy, create a "container" .tblk and put the folders including the configurations inside the "Contents/Resources" folder of that .tblk, as follows:
Then the user will see
Note that both "forced-preferences.plist" and the FOO.tblk are optional. (But if you're not using either one, you're not installing anything!)
Sample forced-preferences.plist file
The following sample file:
- Sets the "updateFeedURL" preference to ""
- Sets the "-notOKToCheckThatIPAddressDidNotChangeAfterConnection" preference for all configurations to "true" (so it is not OK to check for IP address changes).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Creating a signed and notarized disk image
To help you do steps 4 - 6, here is a pseudocode script that performs steps 3-5. It omits important error checking and output parsing, so you should do the commands interactively, adjusting as needed to the output of the commands, or in a script which does error checking and output parsing and polls to check notarization status or waits until the notarization is complete.
# Pseudocode script to create, sign, and notarize a disk image file from a folder
# For more information, see
# What you need:
# * Apple Developer account
# * Apple signing identity stored in your keychain
# * Apple ID (usually looks like an email address)
# * app password for that Apple ID, for notarization.
# Create it on the Apple Developer site and
# store it in your Keychain under the name "altool_password".
# * macOS Mojave or higher
# * Xcode 10.3 or higher
# * Xcode tools installed
# A folder with a copy of the Tunnelblick application and an
# "auto-install" folder of configurations
# These are the "variables" that will be used in the pseudocode below:
# FOLDER_PATH="path to the folder from which the .dmg is to be created.
# This will be the name of the disk image and the volume"
# DMG_PATH="path to the .dmg to be created, signed and notarized;
# this should end in '.dmg'"
# NOTARIZATION_USERNAME="Apple ID username (usually an email address)"
# NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD="altool_password, or whatever other name you used"
# SIGNING_IDENTITY="signing identity; whatever name it has
# in your Keychain"
# 1 #
# Create a .dmg from the folder
rm -f "$DMG_PATH"
hdiutil create -noscrub -srcfolder "$FOLDER_PATH" "DMG_PATH"
# 2 #
# Sign the .dmg
codesign --verbose \
--timestamp \
--options runtime \
--deep \
# 3 #
# Upload the .dmg for notarization
xcrun altool --notarize-app \
--primary-bundle-id "$bundle_id" \
--file "$DMG_PATH"
# 4 #
# Wait for the upload to complete, examine the output
# for the UUID, which should appear as "RequestUUID"
# 5 #
# (OPTIONAL) Get information about the notarization
xcrun altool --notarization-info "$UUID" \
--password "@keychain:$NOTARIZATION_PASSWORD"
# 6 #
# Wait until the notarization is successful,
# then staple the notarization to the .dmg.
# (You'll be notified by an email from Apple
# when the notarization is finished.)
xcrun stapler staple -v "$DMG_PATH"